11. 習慣領域之研究—一個教育的觀點 pp.193-205 — 黃漢昌


「習慣領域」 (Habitual Domains,簡稱HD) 一詞是游伯龍教授所創,在深入考察人的心智、行為與決策關係之後,他發現:任何個人、團體都存在其「習慣領域」,「習慣領域」影響人的感受、思維、抉擇與行動,不但是個體,甚至是企業、政黨、國家成敗的關鍵,他相信:「命好不如習慣好」,認為:「沒有好的習慣,事業很難成功;沒有壞的習慣,事業很難失敗。」(游伯龍,1998:頁46)他積極推廣「習慣領域」學說,教導人建立良好的習慣領域,並不斷推擴,期盼人人都能獲得成功、智慧與喜悅。      「習慣」與「人」關係密切,乃眾所皆知,所謂「性格決定命運,習慣造就一生」,「習慣」能造就甚至決定人的成敗,並非新論,但「習慣領域」學說確有其「集大成」的特色:對於各種有用的義理、方法、研究成果,評判地選擇;對於看似對立的主張,辯證地予以消融;不只傳授「成功」的處事方法,更教導「智慧」的做人道理,融會形下之「器」與形上之「道」,其對人的「主體性」 (subjectivity)之尊重,尤是一大特色,與坊間一般所謂「致勝術」,大異其趣。       由於「習慣領域」涉及人的成長與社會的改善,與教育的關係極為密切,而其學說內容兼具實用與哲理,是值得理解、深究、推廣的學說,本論文對「習慣領域」的探討,主要研究問題如下:(1). 「習慣領域」的意涵為何?(2). 「習慣領域」的特性為何?(3). 「習慣領域」在教育上應如何實施?       根據筆者研究,「習慣領域」具有並存、遍在、潛隱、系統、可變等特性。「習慣領域」學說旨在發展個人、改善社會,與教育關係密切。本文從教育觀點,詮釋「習慣領域」學說的內容要旨;其次探討「習慣領域」在教育上之施用,從「存在現象學」與「多元智能」角度,設計「五階段、兩循環」模式,試圖建立「習慣領域」之課程模式。筆者相信:「習慣領域」可以發展成富有台灣特色的教育哲學。關鍵詞:習慣領域,覺醒,實踐,自由,多元智能  

A Study on Habitual Domains—the Viewpoint of Education

Hang-Chang Huang


The concept of Habitual Domains (HD) was first introduced by professor Po-Lung Yu, who was the C. A Scupin Distinguished Professor at the University of Kansas in the U.S. He is now a Distinguished professor at NCTU in Taiwan. Having studied the relations between the human being’s mind, behavior and decision making for a long time, he finds that HD exists both in the individual and the groups. HD shows immense influence not only on one’s feeling, thinking, decision making and action, but also on the success of an industry, a political party, and a nation. So he believes that improving good habitual domains is much important than good fortune. He states that it is difficult for a firm to succeed without having a good HD. Without a bad HD, it is difficult for a firm to fail. (Po-Lung Yu, 1998: 46) Yu advocates the teaching of HD. He hopes that everyone can be successful, wise, and happy, though one’s continuing developing good HD.      Just as the old saying, old habits die hard. Some Chinese believe that one’s character determines one’s destiny, and that one’s habits define one’s life. The habits of a man has definite influences on one’s life is not a new finding. But HD Theory surely is not a collection of old sayings. HD theory is critical and dialectic. It teaches one not only to be successful but also to be wise. In addition, Professor Yu shows high respect for the subjectivity of human being, which makes HD theory more humane and unique.      HD theory concerns both the developments of the individuals and the improvements of the societies. Both refer to education. This article aims to study:(1). What is the definition of Habitual Domains?(2). What are the characteristics of Habitual Domains?(3). How to put Habitual Domains Theory into practice in education?      This study finds that the characteristics of Habitual Domains are: co-existent, general, hidden, systematic and changeable. HD Theory can be utilized in the practice of existential phenomenology and multiple intelligence. A model of “five stages and two cycles” is recommended. The author suggests HD Theory should be applied to the education system in Taiwan.

Key words: Habitual Domains, consciousness, praxis, freedom, Multiple Intelligence. 

10. 習慣領域的擴展與昇華:心念運作的觀點 pp. 173-192 — 鄭保村


「習慣領域」是我們內心所有想法、念頭與思路的總合及它們的組織與運作,它主導我們所做所行,但它是可變的、是動態的,也有無限的可能。因此,其中的潛在領域,可以開發、可以昇華,而且常用它、善用它,越容易萃取,電網會越強,它的潛能無窮。本文,以「習慣領域」學說為主軸,分別論述心腦構想的基礎、心念的作用,並輔以腦科學實驗證據,進而,藉心念的轉化與昇華的論述,引申潛在領域的擴展。       情境相同,因心念不同,卻有迷悟、苦樂之別,可見人心惟危、一切唯心。心念也盡廣大極精微,是善是惡、是苦是樂、是天堂是地獄全在「一念之間」。一念悟-起善念、心澄淨清明、貼近真相,強化正面、積極、光明的電網,是菩提快樂。進而,起心動念中於境不染著-「無念」、「無住生心」,對境不取不捨、不迎不拒、不即不離,當下的警覺、入境出境,盡以「中道」對應,當萬緣放下、內心自然回復本然的清明、澄淨、平穩,接上「源頭活水」。這是最佳減壓方式,也是人間無上的喜悅,能究竟解決自己與別人的痛苦與煩惱。 


Sublimation and Extension of Habitual Domains:A Standpoint of the Operation of the Minds

Jeng, Bao-Tsuen


“Habitual Domains” is the collection of all our ideas, thoughts and operators. and their organization and operations The habitual domainsdirect our conducts and behaviors, but they are changeable, dynamic and full of unlimited possibility. Thus, potential domains in the habitual domains could be developed and sublimated. If we often use the potential domains and use them well, we will retrieve messages from our brains more easily, the circuit pattern will be stronger and the potentiality of the potential domains will be unlimited as well. Built upon the theory of “”Habitual Domains”, this paper discusses the “brain operation hypothesis” and the operation of the minds with the scientific evidences of the brain science. Based on the discourse of transformation and sublimation of the minds, this paper further discusses extension of the potential domains.       Within the same conditions, our minds can lead us to delusion or enlightenment, bitterness or happiness, so it’s the minds that are the most dangerous and the world is actually what we think. The mind is the most extensive and subtlest, so whether the situation is good or bad, sweet or sour, heaven or hell, is just only a matter of the mind. When our mind is enlightened—that is, when we initiate our mind in a positive way, and then our mind becomes pure and clear and reaches to the truth—the positive, active and bright circuit pattern is thus reinforced. It is the joy of Bodhi (enlightment). Furthermore, when our mind is not influenced by the external condition—that is, when we are “free from minds” and “the minds arise without attachment”, which means that we would neither accept nor reject the condition; that we would neither welcome nor refuse it; and that we would neither approach nor leave it—we are able to be aware of our minds at the presence, to deal with the condition in the “middle way” and not to be trapped by it. When we let go off all the unnecessary conditions and our minds eventually gain peace, our minds naturally recover their original purity, clarity and stability and we further see the spring of our true life. This is the best way to reduce pressures as well as the greatest joy in the world. It offers us with a direct and fundamental solution to our sufferings and pains. 

Keywords:Potential Domains, Habitual Domains, Circuit Pattern, No Mind,
Middle Way

9. 壓力調適與習慣領域 pp.157-172 — 王靜風


現代社會是ㄧ個充滿「變」的時代。托福樂 (Alvin Toffler) 在「未來的震盪」一書中,勾畫出未來的本質,這種快速且無所不及的改變,我們無一能倖免。在「第三波」一書中,他更進一步提到科技發展,將改變人類生活的方式,使人面對更多得不確定性,「虛擬」更成為生活中無可避免的「真實」。類似的改變具有引發壓力反應的潛在可能。科技的發展帶給人類物質生活上的便利,卻未給人們的心靈帶來平靜與幸福;為了在這個快速變遷的社會中生存,我們需要得到更高的智慧,淬煉我們的心力,以便可以有效的進行壓力調適,重新獲得快樂、喜悅的生命。本文試著比對心理學及習慣領域學說對壓力的看法,從兩者的比較中找到關聯性,並藉由「壓力調適與習慣領域」通識課程設計與教授,來印證習慣領域學說能夠幫助人們進行壓力調適,獲得心理健康的生活。 


Stress Management and Habitual Domains

Ching-Feng Wang


Modern society is a time full of changes. Alvin Toffler in his “Future Shock” sketches the nature of future. No one can escape from these fast and allover changes. Further, in “The Third Wave”, he mentions that technology will change people’s way of living and will make people face more uncertainty. “Virtuality” is unavoidable reality in life. Changes as such have the potential of evoking stress. The development of technology gives people convenience in the material world, but it does not bring peace and bliss for us.      To survive in this fast changing society, we require higher intelligence and polish our mind in order to have efficient stress management and to regain a happy and cheerful life. This paper aims to compare the viewpoints of stress in Psychology and in Habitual Domains and find their connections. Also, that Habitual Domain hypotheses can help people manage stress and be healthy in psychology will be confirmed by designing and teaching the general course ‘Stress Management and Habitual Domain’. 

Keywords: Habitual Domains, Stress Management, General education

8. 習慣領域融入通識教育之「創造力教育」課程的行動研究 pp.137-156 — 李偉俊


本研究主要探討習慣領域 (Habitual Domains,簡稱HD) 融入在國立台東大學的通識教育之「創造力教育」課程的可行性與教學成效,並進一步探討融入習慣領域的創造力教育課程對大學生的創造力的影響與改變情形。本研究係採行動研究法進行,並以九十六學年度上學期大二共選和大三共選的通識課程之選修課-創造力教育為實施此行動研究的目標課程,研究對象為所有選修此課程的大二及大三學生,研究資料的蒐集以質性研究方法為主,本研究採用焦點團體訪談法與深度訪談法蒐集學生的研究資料,並輔以文件分析法等,希望透過多元研究資料的三角檢核法,能理出融入習慣領域於創造力教育課程的課程脈絡,並找出在通識教育中的創造力教育課程融入習慣領域的有效教學方法與策略。 關鍵字:創造力教育,習慣領域,行動研究  

The Action Research on integrating the Habitual Domains and the Creative Education Curriculum of General Education

Wei-Chun Li


The purpose of this study was to integrate the Habitual Domains (HD) and the creative education of general education and then discuss the instructional effect and feasibility. To further explore the impact and changes to those college students on integrating creative education and HD. This study used the action research method and chosen the target college students who take the first semester of school year 96 course of creative education in general education. The research data collecting based on qualitative research method, including the focus group interview, in-depth interview and documents analysis method. To further find out the effective instructional methods and strategies in the general education of creative education integrating HD.

7. 影響服裝設計師創意靈感之因素 pp.119-136 — 張翠園、蕭進益


被譽為「當代最偉大的服裝創造家」三宅一生(Issey Miyake),以「Pleats Please」聞名於全球時尚舞台。三宅一生的設計風格「簡單」、「創新」、「實用」,他跳脫時下的流行走向,重新找尋服裝生命力的源頭,創作焦點集中於人體本身,讓穿衣變成一種有趣、且富詩意的幽默行為,他的作品「看似無形」卻「疏」而不散,藉由玄奧東方文化的抒發,賦與作品神奇的魅力。本文採用個案研究法,蒐集歸納三宅一生的相關文獻資料,再以習慣領域理論架構解析,從而瞭解其豐富之習慣領域。由本研究得知,影響三宅一生的人生哲學以及造就他成功的「核心電網信念」為:「無價之寶」、「萬事助長」與「全力知行」。而影響三宅一生創意靈感的因素可分為:內在因素與外在因素兩大類,其中內在因素的影響大於外在因素。三宅一生深諳「低深、空無」原理,藉由「靜坐」幻化出以「形」傳「神」,創造出民族文化與時尚潮流完美融合的典範。他引領時尚與時代脈動結合的獨創性設計,遠遠超出「時代」與「時裝」的界線。三宅一生充分善用習慣領域的腦、心運作構想、人類行為的通性,積極擴展自己的習慣領域,成為一位值得後輩學習的時尚哲學大師。 

關鍵字: 設計靈感、習慣領域、三宅一生、時尚  

Factors Influencing Fashion Designer’s Creativity and Inspiration – Case Analysis of the Habitual Domains of Issey Miyake

Tsui-Yuan Chang, J. Y. Shiau


Issey Miyake is one of the most innovative fashion designers, today. His “Pleats Please” clothing line is well known in the fashion world. The Miyake’s design style is an exhibit of simplicity, creativity, and practicality. He escaped from following the fashion trend and re-searched for the origin of clothing’s vitality. Through his explorations of the relationship between the body and its coverings, dressing becomes a fun, poetic, and humorous behavior. Issey Miyake’s works seem intangible, but sparse and not dispersed. It is this mysterious oriental culture’s expression that gives the magical charm of his works. This study uses a case study method, gathers references, and applies the theory of Habitual Domains to analyze the rich habitual thinking of Issey Miyake. This research identifies that core empowering operators for Issey Miyake’s design philosophy and success are treating everyone as a priceless living entity; understanding there are reasons for everything that occurs; and having the enthusiasm and confidence to accomplish mission.       The source of his inspiration and creativity was influenced mostly by internal factors and least by external factors. Issey Miyake understood that deep down and voids principle. Utilizing the meditation to illustrate vivid forms of image, he developed the perfect example of the integration of culture and fashion. The unique and creative design led by him is far beyond the boundary of “time” and “fashion”. He was able to take full advantage of habitual domains to nurture mind and body, and to enrich human behavior. He thus became a charismatic mater of fashion design and philosophy, that is worthy for younger generation to follow. 

Keywords: Inspiration of design, Habitual domains,Issey Miyake, Fashion

6. 經典閱讀與習慣領域的拓展-以哈姆雷特為例 pp.105-118 — 黃美鈴



關鍵字: 經典閱讀、哈姆雷特、習慣領域、戲劇  

Reading Classic and the Expansion of Habitual Domain
– take Hamlet as an example

Mei-Ling Huang


Dramas always perform various thoughts of human life. Through interpretation of works, people can realize permanent struggles of humanity as well as the pursuit of faith. It goes that “Life is like a dram, as drama like life.” Dramas obtain materials from human life, especially those classical ones which have insight into the universality of humanity. Great dramatists have keen feeling and observation. They express their inherent spirit and their great living experiences through their works. Therefore, all great works have wide and deep perspicacity which is beyond general people’s habitual domain. This makes readers profoundly moved toward life, and expands the depth and width of readers’ life. Thus readers comprehend more about the situation of life and the secret of all things on earth, so they can break through the normal habitual domain.      This essay takes Hamlet as an example, representing the abundance, depth and mysteries in Hamlet’s heart by analyzing his dilemmas and mental struggles. Still, this essay also analyzes the prince’s thoughts and behaviors through the aspect of habitual domain to interpret the reason why classic can be permanently new.      Meeting with great classic, readers’ potential domain is expanded toward a situation which is wider, deeper and minuter, and at the same time they can break through their own old habitual domain. While people meet with great minds, they can approach the greatness of life and gradually advance themselves on ideal habitual domain. 

Key words: Reading classic, Hamlet, Habitual Domain, Drama

5. 技專校院不同認知風格學生擴展習慣領域方法之探究 pp.79-104 — 鄭釗仁 、林靜瑩


「虛心學習可升高、事物聯想觀參數、改變環境激腦力、以退為進靜祈禱」,隨著習慣領域的推廣,尋求改變人類行為愈來愈被重視,尤其是在擴展習慣領域方法上。本研究旨在分析個人不同認知風格在擴展習慣領域方法的先後順序及分析其重要-表現程度,藉由觀察不同認知風格學生在擴展習慣領域方法的影響,進而更有效地引導學生擴展其習慣領域行為之成長。       透過單因子變異數分析發現,不同認知風格的學生,不管對其已具備或是在期望具備習慣領域方法上皆沒有顯著差異存在。研究結果顯示在已具備與期望具備習慣領域方法上,直覺型﹙I﹚策略傾向的學生,以「腦力的激盪」、「虛心學習」為最優先;感覺型﹙F﹚策略傾向的學生以「虛心學習」為最優先;感知型﹙S﹚策略傾向與思考型﹙T﹚策略傾向的學生皆以「事物的聯想」為最優先。而四種不同認知風格類型的學生皆以「靜坐禱告」為最殿後。       透過重要-表現程度I.P.A.之分析發現,四種不同認知風格類型的學生都表示自己已具備並且希望繼續保持擁的習慣領域項目,前三項分別為(1)虛心學習、(3)事物的聯想、(7)以退為進。在加強改善重點項目方面,直覺型﹙I﹚策略傾向與思考型﹙T﹚策略傾向的學生期待自己加強改善(5)改變環境的方法;感知型﹙S﹚策略傾向與感覺型﹙F﹚策略傾向的學生則傾向加強改善(2)升高察思、(6)腦力的激盪的方法。 


The Study of Expanding the Habitual Domains about
Different Cognitive Styles’ Students on Institute of Technology

Chao-Jen Cheng, Jing-Ying Lin


For expanding your habitual domain, there are eight methods that “Learning Actively”, “Taking a Higher Position”, “Active Association”, “Changing Parameters”, “Changing the Environment”, “Brainstorming”, “Retreat”, “Prayer Meditation”. To seek a change in human behavior could be more and more attentive with the promotion of habitual domains, especially in the methods of expansion of the habitual domains. This study will get expanding methods of the habitual domains in sequences about different cognitive strategy and discuss the important – the performance of degree by I.P.A. analysis.      One-way ANOVA analysis indicates that the students with different cognitive strategy exhibit no significant differences, regardless of they had or expect to have expanding the habitual domains methods. The results showed that Intuitive strategy (I) students, ” Brainstorming “, ” Learning Actively ” as the top priority. Sensing strategy (S) students, ” Active Association ” as the top priority. Thinking strategy (T) students, ” Active Association ” as the top priority. Feeling strategy (F) students, ” Learning Actively ” as the top priority. Besides all students, ” Prayer Meditation ” as the rear on the expanding the habitual domains methods of had or expect to have.       I.P.A. analysis indicates that Keep Up the Good Work items is “Learning Actively”, “Active Association”, “Retreat” for all students. Concentrate Here items is “Changing the Environment” for Intuitive strategy (I) and Thinking strategy (T) students, and “Taking a Higher Position”, “Brainstorming” for Sensing strategy (S) and Feeling strategy(F) students. 

Key words: cognitive style, habitual domains, I.P.A. analysis

4. 手指等長收縮經動作習慣化之力量變異性研究 pp.67-78 — 蔣懷孝


有關力量的控制與研究,多著重於施力輸出的快慢或變化率 (rate of force)與變異性(variability),此二者彼此存在高度的相關性。基於速度與準度不共存 (speed-accuracy trade-off) 之原則,在快速的力量輸出下,無形中造成變異性之急遽增加,此論點在動作控制文獻中已有具體地證實,藉由力量變化率發展之遞增模式中,已得出變異性為生物系統得以解釋有關自由度 (degree-of-freedom) 的關鍵因素,也就是生物系統在動作執行過程中,所能控制之自由度小於空間自由度之結果;本文透過以「習慣領域理論」 (Habitual Domains Theory) 之角度,證明人類行為經由反覆練習的習慣化,得以降低行為之變異性,減少行為之偏差,提高技能之穩定性。       本研究方法針對29名北部某大學生進行手指等長收縮之力量控制分析,受試者以右手食指對不同力量、不同變化率及不同收縮時間進行各40次之等長收縮,以力量輸出誤差之變異性為依變項,資料分析以單因子變異數分析,就施力時期 (上升、穩定、下降)、力量大小 (25%及50%) 與習慣化階段 (學習前、學習後) 進行統計分析。結果發現在施力過程有關的三個動作變數上均呈顯著效應,分別為時期 F(2,56)= 169.69,P<.000,力量 F(1,28)= 206.78,P<.000,與習慣化 F(1,28)= 97.04,P<.000。力量誤差在上升期與下降期均較穩定期來得高,三者呈一U字關係,表示力量變化過程中之控制難度較穩定力量輸出為大,但上升期與下降期力量誤差之關係並未達顯著效應。針對平均曲線之變異性上明顯發現,經過四週,每週三次的反覆練習後,施力曲線之變異性已具體下降,自施力開始直到結束,學習後之變異性均低於學習前,由本研究結論得知力量變異性隨不同施力時期而有所不同,動作習慣化對於力量控制在增加、維持與遞減上均有顯著的幫助。 


Movement Habituation Associated with Force Variability During Finger Isometric Contraction

Huai-Hsiao Chiang


Most motor control studies emphasized force production on two different aspects: 1. how fast was force produced or rate of force development, or 2. variability of force. According to speed-accuracy trade-off theory, high variability was observed during rapid force output and numerous studies had carried out in the literatures of motor control. During the decrement of force, variability associated with habitual domains were used to elaborate the bio-system in terms of degree of freedom. As a result, the variability of human behaviors were suggested to change as a function of habituation via repetitive practice to reduce errors and to enhance the stability of skill.       This study analyzed force variability of finger isometric force production of 29 college students. Subjects were asked to produce different levels of force, rates of force development and contraction times. 40 trials were performed in each block of task. The dependent variable was the variability of force trace, the absolute mean error of force trace. Three independent variables were different significantly, timing F(2,56)= 169.69,P<.000,force (1,28)= 206.78,P<.000,and habituation F(1,28)= 97.04,P<.001. Force error reveled higher on both ramp and decrement of force than that of static phase. A U-shape relationship was found in three force phases. The control of force revealed less variability when force remained constantly. After practicing three times a week for four weeks, the variability of force traces reduced as a function of movement habituation. To conclude, force variability was associated with the phases of force production and the consistency of finger force control improved after movement habituation. 

Keywords: finger, rate of force development, movement habituation, force variability, motor learning.

3.習慣領域光明心態之量化探查研究 pp.47-66 — 郭廸賢 、林瑞發 、魏宗豊




An Exploratory Quantitative Study of Seven Self-Perpetuating Operators in Habitual Domains

Dyi-Shyan Gau, Rue-Fa Lin, Zong-Li Wei


This study aimed to formulate a preliminary version 62 items of questionnaire for seven self-perpetuating operators (7SPOs) in habitual domains. There were 251 undergraduate students sampled from Feng Chia University used for this purpose. Six   factors out of these items were extracted and confirmed with principal component and rotated by Varimax method for construct validity. The intermediate constructed 13 factors of 7SPOs are constructed from extracted 52 items had successfully passed the Cronbachαfor internal consistency reliability and factor correlation tests. 

Keywords: Habitual Domain, Self-Perpetuating Operators Scale, Factor Analysis

2. 提昇企業競爭力新思維-創新動態學 pp.19-46 — 陳彥曲 、游伯龍


企業要有競爭力,須能比對手更快、更有效地看到並解除目標族群的痛苦與煩惱,以創造企業價值。為取得永續發展,維持競爭力,企業必須思考如何運用IT、科技及管理以提昇其創新能力、競爭能力與企業價值。由習慣領域角度觀之,「企業創新」乃企業經過目標建立,情況評估,了解顧客需求並提出最適的產品或服務,為企業與顧客創造價值的一個動態循環。透過創新,企業才能比對手更快、更有效地解除目標族群的痛苦與煩惱,也才具有競爭力。       本文以「習慣領域理論」(Habitual Domains Theory) 與「能力集合分析」(Competence Set Analysis) 為基礎,由「透視目標族群潛在領域 (potential domains) 的壓力結構,解除其潛在領域中的煩惱與痛苦」角度,提出「創新動態學」 (Innovation Dynamics) 此一動態循環架構,探討研究企業如何深入潛在領域,有效獲取、轉化其能力集合,滿足顧客需求,並且創造價值。文中並以知名企業為例進行個案分析,期望透過個案分析方式幫助企業了解如何落實創新與創造價值,以提升企業競爭力。 


New Thoughts for Upgrading Corporate Competitiveness – Innovation Dynamics

Yen-Chu Chen, Po-Lung Yu


In order to have competitive advantage, corporations need to effectively identify targeted customers and relieve their pains and frustrations by providing better and faster products and services. Corporate Innovation itself is a dynamic process involving corporate goal setting, state evaluation, understanding customers’ need, output of products and services and creating values for the targeted customers and themselves. Through innovation, corporations can improve their competitiveness by releasing the pains and frustrations of targeted customers more efficient and effective than the competitors.       This research based on Habitual Domains Theory and Competence Set Analysis, will get into potential domains to study the charge structures and relieving the charges and pains of the targeted customers. By studying two cases from two well known companies, we will explore how corporations gain the competitiveness by deeply getting into potential domains as to effectively get and transform their competence sets to produce needed products or service to satisfy the need of potential customers as to create value and make innovation a reality. 

Keywords:Innovation, Habitual Domains, Potential Domains, Charge Structure, Competence Set Analysis, Innovation Dynamics