7. 影響服裝設計師創意靈感之因素 pp.119-136 — 張翠園、蕭進益
被譽為「當代最偉大的服裝創造家」三宅一生(Issey Miyake),以「Pleats Please」聞名於全球時尚舞台。三宅一生的設計風格「簡單」、「創新」、「實用」,他跳脫時下的流行走向,重新找尋服裝生命力的源頭,創作焦點集中於人體本身,讓穿衣變成一種有趣、且富詩意的幽默行為,他的作品「看似無形」卻「疏」而不散,藉由玄奧東方文化的抒發,賦與作品神奇的魅力。本文採用個案研究法,蒐集歸納三宅一生的相關文獻資料,再以習慣領域理論架構解析,從而瞭解其豐富之習慣領域。由本研究得知,影響三宅一生的人生哲學以及造就他成功的「核心電網信念」為:「無價之寶」、「萬事助長」與「全力知行」。而影響三宅一生創意靈感的因素可分為:內在因素與外在因素兩大類,其中內在因素的影響大於外在因素。三宅一生深諳「低深、空無」原理,藉由「靜坐」幻化出以「形」傳「神」,創造出民族文化與時尚潮流完美融合的典範。他引領時尚與時代脈動結合的獨創性設計,遠遠超出「時代」與「時裝」的界線。三宅一生充分善用習慣領域的腦、心運作構想、人類行為的通性,積極擴展自己的習慣領域,成為一位值得後輩學習的時尚哲學大師。
關鍵字: 設計靈感、習慣領域、三宅一生、時尚
Factors Influencing Fashion Designer’s Creativity and Inspiration – Case Analysis of the Habitual Domains of Issey Miyake
Tsui-Yuan Chang, J. Y. Shiau
Issey Miyake is one of the most innovative fashion designers, today. His “Pleats Please” clothing line is well known in the fashion world. The Miyake’s design style is an exhibit of simplicity, creativity, and practicality. He escaped from following the fashion trend and re-searched for the origin of clothing’s vitality. Through his explorations of the relationship between the body and its coverings, dressing becomes a fun, poetic, and humorous behavior. Issey Miyake’s works seem intangible, but sparse and not dispersed. It is this mysterious oriental culture’s expression that gives the magical charm of his works. This study uses a case study method, gathers references, and applies the theory of Habitual Domains to analyze the rich habitual thinking of Issey Miyake. This research identifies that core empowering operators for Issey Miyake’s design philosophy and success are treating everyone as a priceless living entity; understanding there are reasons for everything that occurs; and having the enthusiasm and confidence to accomplish mission. The source of his inspiration and creativity was influenced mostly by internal factors and least by external factors. Issey Miyake understood that deep down and voids principle. Utilizing the meditation to illustrate vivid forms of image, he developed the perfect example of the integration of culture and fashion. The unique and creative design led by him is far beyond the boundary of “time” and “fashion”. He was able to take full advantage of habitual domains to nurture mind and body, and to enrich human behavior. He thus became a charismatic mater of fashion design and philosophy, that is worthy for younger generation to follow.
Keywords: Inspiration of design, Habitual domains,Issey Miyake, Fashion
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