8. 習慣領域融入通識教育之「創造力教育」課程的行動研究 pp.137-156 — 李偉俊
本研究主要探討習慣領域 (Habitual Domains,簡稱HD) 融入在國立台東大學的通識教育之「創造力教育」課程的可行性與教學成效,並進一步探討融入習慣領域的創造力教育課程對大學生的創造力的影響與改變情形。本研究係採行動研究法進行,並以九十六學年度上學期大二共選和大三共選的通識課程之選修課-創造力教育為實施此行動研究的目標課程,研究對象為所有選修此課程的大二及大三學生,研究資料的蒐集以質性研究方法為主,本研究採用焦點團體訪談法與深度訪談法蒐集學生的研究資料,並輔以文件分析法等,希望透過多元研究資料的三角檢核法,能理出融入習慣領域於創造力教育課程的課程脈絡,並找出在通識教育中的創造力教育課程融入習慣領域的有效教學方法與策略。 關鍵字:創造力教育,習慣領域,行動研究
The Action Research on integrating the Habitual Domains and the Creative Education Curriculum of General Education
Wei-Chun Li
The purpose of this study was to integrate the Habitual Domains (HD) and the creative education of general education and then discuss the instructional effect and feasibility. To further explore the impact and changes to those college students on integrating creative education and HD. This study used the action research method and chosen the target college students who take the first semester of school year 96 course of creative education in general education. The research data collecting based on qualitative research method, including the focus group interview, in-depth interview and documents analysis method. To further find out the effective instructional methods and strategies in the general education of creative education integrating HD.
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